Handicaps and Postings
Handicap and Posting Information
We at the Men’s Club routinely field questions regarding handicaps and how to post scores. In addition, there have also been instances where members are not posting scores in a timely fashion following their rounds. In an effort to address these issues, we have made available the following information. For some members this may be a review, but for others you may find it helpful based on certain situations that may be encountered in the course of play either at Maplewood, or when playing at other courses. These documents have also been posted in the 3-ring binder that is kept on the counter, next to the computer in case you should ever need to refer to this information while you are at Maplewood.
- The Purpose of the USGA Handicap System
- Definition of “Acceptable Scores”
- Acceptability of Scores “To Post or Not To Post”
- Determining Your Most likely Score and Holes Not Played for Handicap Posting Purposes
One question that comes up quite often is whether a score should be posted as a Tournament (T) or not. Typically, the only events that should be posted as a “Tournament: are as follows:
- Spring Field Day
- Summer Field Day
- Fall Field Day
- Club Championship Rounds
Tournament Play
For New Members who haven’t established a handicap:
- Log between 3 and 5 scores to the USGA App and a temporary handicap will be generated the next day
- Log between 8 and 15 scores to the USGA app and a permanent handicap will be generated the next day
- For members who don’t have scores to log, email zacharyjmanao@live.com and he will set a handicap for you. This will require a phone call and a couple of questions from the handicap chair.
- If none of the above 3 options can be arranged then the new member will play to a 0
Additional Notes:
- Maplewood Men’s Club would consider individual ball tournaments such as a PNGA Pro-Am as acceptable “T” Posting
- Maplewood Men’s Club will not consider match play, best ball format or any other team events as an acceptable “T” Posting
- For any other “Tournament” posting questions please inquire with the Handicap Committee
Since the Men’s Club has been using the USGA’s “Golf Genius” for more of our tournaments, (specifically the aforementioned events), the committee posts these rounds for the participating members with the proper designation. We have been attempting to place a sign on the computer the day of a tournament to let participants know whether they should post their score or that the committee will take responsibility. If there is a question/doubt as to whether you should be posting your score, please don’t hesitate to ask.
On behalf of the entire board, we sincerely appreciate your support of the Men’s Club and participation in our events over the course of the tournament season
Thank you!
Tim Pilgrim – President
Zach Manao – Handicap Chairman
Terry Graham – Tournament Chariman